Thursday, August 21, 2003

Its getting to be the dog days of August now. Which means it's turning from baseball season into football season -- whether we like it or not. Mostly what pro football fans seem to do is sit for the sofa for hours watching other guys hammer each other into submission while ignoring the fact that most of the team probably won't last out the season. It also seems to require a lot of grunting. If you are older and need to relearn how to grunt, you can watch Fox Sports for a remedial. I still don't get it though. It would seem by watching TV that there are vast areas of the country where grow men gather in rooms with mass quantities of beer, grunt and watch people artlessly smash into each other. Myself, I watch the Seahawks . . . when no one is looking . . . and it's after baseball season . . . after the chores are done. .. and, uh, when I don't think anyone will catch me. One more time from the top "I,m a man, I can change, if I have to . . ."

Sunday, August 17, 2003

Now we have chickens?!?! Your basic scrawny 2 mcnugget chickens. They basically wander in circles and cluck, which is pretty much what you'd expect chickens to do. Not much to watch. One did drop an egg they other day. Kind of small 2 mcnugget egg. Lorraine now follows the chickens around yelling at them to pop out more eggs. There should be a rule to live by here. The only one I can think of is "Don't be a chicken."